5 Habits to Commit to for 2022

Dec 28, 2021

New Year’s is right around the corner which can only mean one thing—time to make New Year’s resolutions. Although it may seem like a cliche and antiquated act, New Year’s resolutions are generally well-intentioned. The problem is that many people lack the discipline and structured habits necessary for achieving the goals set forth at the beginning of the year. 

Only 8% of people fully achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Furthermore, 68% of people give up on their resolutions entirely in the first month of the year (1).

These numbers may appear daunting and even disheartening for many people, but you don’t have to end up as another statistic. By holding yourself accountable to your goals and creating a proactive strategy moving forward—you can put yourself in a better position to meet and achieve your goals.

Many people fail to reach their goals due to a lack of self-discipline, overly busy schedules or poor time management skills. In fact, the average person would give someone over $15,000 dollars to keep them accountable to their New Year’s resolutions!

Among the most popular New Year’s resolutions are eating healthy and developing a strict workout routine. Performing more exercise was by far the most popular New Year’s resolution as indicated by over 50% of respondents (2). Losing weight was a close second with 48% and improving diet came in at 39%. However, few people develop a strategy necessary for meeting and exceeding these goals on a long-term basis.

Let’s take a look at some healthy habits you should consider committing to for 2022 and beyond.


Meditation is the practice in which individuals use mindfulness techniques to help them achieve a clear and calm emotional state. Although its origins lie in various religious traditions, a staggering 14% of Americans now practice meditation on a regular basis (3).

An estimated 500 million people meditate worldwide each year. 

Meditation acts as a viable alternative to medication when it comes to treating issues such as stress and depression. Studies have indicated that meditation can improve anxiety levels by up to 60% and reduce insomnia by up to 50%. 

Benefits of meditation include:

  • Boosting energy
  • Improving memory and focus
  • Relieving stress and anxiety
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease

If you’re looking to start meditating for the first time, consider putting aside a few minutes per day. Start with a simple 5 minute meditation and gradually increase time and frequency in a manner that best fits your lifestyle.


Exercising and working out are arguably the most popular New Year’s resolutions people consistently make year after year. Whether individuals strive to lose weight, build muscle or simply create a regular workout routine—most people create New Year’s resolutions related to working out at one time or another in their life.

A striking 91% of Americans make some type of New Year’s resolution related fitness according to Planet Fitness (4). Unfortunately, 90% of people give up on their resolutions within three months.

If you’re looking to create a solidified workout plan, here’s some tips you should consider when developing a new fitness plan:

  • Go to the gym with a friend who keeps you accountable
  • Create realistic goals and timelines
  • Set aside time each day or week for exercise
  • Create an actionable plan that can be followed over the course of weeks and months

Just like anything else fitness is a habit that must be developed through action and consistency. Creating a well-developed plan and sticking to it can help increase your chances of achieving success with your resolutions.


While it may seem like a simplistic resolution to follow, many people do not consume nearly enough water as part of their diet. A striking 50% of adults don’t consume enough water and one study found that only 22% of people drink the USDA recommended amount of 8 to 10 glasses or more daily (5).

Lack of proper hydration can create a number of health problems and can even leave individuals feeling hungry. That’s right, oftentimes when someone thinks they’re hungry, they’re actually really thirsty.

So how much water should you actually be drinking? The answer to this question is not a one-size-fits all. However, a general rule of thumb is that at a minimum individuals should consume 0.5 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight daily (6). 

Active individuals and athletes will naturally consume more water as needed to help accommodate their recovery time. If you’re attempting to drink a set amount of water daily, it helps to have a gallon jug or some other measuring device nearby. This will help you track and record your water intake without having any guesswork involved.

Create To-Do Lists

One of the main reasons people fail to achieve their goals or plans is due to a lack of execution. Without having an actionable plan and strategy in place, many times goals fall by the wayside. One of the best mechanisms for increasing goal achievement likelihood is by simply writing them down.

In fact, one study discovered that simply writing goals down increases the likelihood of achievement by up to 42% (7). Doing so helps to create a visual representation of goals increasing the chances that they’ll come to fruition. 

At the start of each day create a to-do list that itemizes each of the goals for the day. As you go throughout the day, be sure to cross off each one individually. This will help to mentally reward you as you accomplish various tasks each day.

Read More Books

The social media age of today has created a chaotic environment in which people have drastically shorter attention spans than in times past. With people continually turning to various social media platforms, fewer and fewer people are consistently reading books.

Instead of spending countless hours on social media each day, try setting aside a bit of time to read and learn. Even if it’s simply 30 minutes a couple times a week, this can pay dividends if consistently done over a long period of time. 

Some numbers related to reading include (8):

  • Reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68%
  • Reading just 30 minutes a day can help prolong your lifespan by up to two years
  • The average reading speed is 238 words per minute

If you want to improve your mental acuity while decreasing your stress levels—reading on a regular basis can help you achieve your personal and professional skills.

Start Your New Year’s Goals Today

The New Year is now upon us, which means it’s time to take a proactive approach to goal setting for 2022. Although many people never fully reach their goals each year, you don’t have to simply become another statistic. 

By creating actionable strategies and game plans geared towards goal attainment, you can drastically improve your likelihood of success for 2022 and years to come. If you have any questions or comments about how you can reach your goals in the coming year, feel free to reach out to me.

We’re here to help guide you on the path towards future success in your personal, professional and physical lives. Best of luck as we close 2021 and get ready to jumpstart your way into 2022 and beyond. 

Kindest regards,

Sean Torbati


  1. https://nypost.com/2020/01/28/the-average-american-abandons-their-new-years-resolution-by-this-date/
  2. https://www.statista.com/statistics/378105/new-years-resolution/ 
  3. https://disturbmenot.co/meditation-statistics/ 
  4. https://www.clubindustry.com/commercial-clubs/fitness-a-top-resolution-for-americans-2021-survey-says 
  5. https://nypost.com/2020/09/03/most-adults-dont-drink-enough-water-every-day-do-you/ 
  6. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/water-for-weight-loss-diet#1 
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/13/self-made-millionaire-how-to-increase-your-odds-of-success-by-42-percent-marie-forleo.html 
  8. https://whydoeseverythingsuck.net/blog/book-reading-statistics/#reduce%20stress%20levels 

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