
There is No Such Thing as Overtraining
Feb 11, 2019
I get asked at least once a week “Hey Mike, I train chest three times...
10 Reasons Why You Should Use Plant Based Protein
Jan 30, 2019
In my opinion, the whole plant protein vs whey protein debate is fake news. To...
10 Most Influential Black YouTubers
Dec 21, 2018
One of the most useful pieces of wisdom I’ve acquired over the years is to...
How Meditation Actually Makes You Better
Dec 14, 2018
I realized something the other day. I talk a lot about meditation and that it’s...
Why I Starve My Brain
Dec 07, 2018
Think about this: what’s the very first thing people do when they break up with...
Part 3 - The 9 Types of Intelligence
Nov 30, 2018
I’m honestly a little sad that this is ending. But as they say, all good...